Next Generation AI: PACS-2017 Symposium (Nov. 2-3, SNU) > 공지사항

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Next Generation AI: PACS-2017 Symposium (Nov. 2-3, SNU)

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일2017-10-24 18:09 조회6,293회


Next Generation AI: 2017 Perception, Action, and Cognitive Systems Symposium (PACS-2017) (Nov. 2-3, SNU)

인공지능 연구자 여러분께,

세계적인 석학 6분을 초청하여 차세대 인공지능에 대하여 심층 토론하는 한국정보과학회 PACS-2017 심포지움에 여러분을 초대드립니다. 

Gary Cottrell, UCSD (University of California San Diego), USA
Deep Learning: What’s All the Fuss About?

Bert KappenRadboud Univ. Nijmegen
A Control Based View on Intelligence

Christoph von der MalsburgFIAS (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
The Neural Code at the Base of Perception, Action and Cognition

Angelo Cangelosi, University of Plymouth, UK
Developmental Robotics for Language Learning, Trust and Theory of Mind

James Kwok, HKUST, Hong Kong
Machine Intelligence in a Complicated World

Jeffrey Siskind, Purdue Univ., USA
Joint Language-Vision Inference in Machines and Humans

등록 정보는 첨부의 포스터와 다음 웹페이지를 참조해 주시기 바랍니다. 


장병탁 드림.



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